Everyday Absurdities, Sarah Buckius, video

Boston Cyberarts presents the first exhibition in the new Boston Cyberarts Gallery.  In this show, the Collision Collective demonstrates that machines can be employed to make statements about the human experience: emotion, relationships, our environment, our movement, and our thoughts.

When: Fri, 11/09/2012 to Sat, 12/15/2012
Gallery Hours: Friday, Saturday & Sunday 11am to 6pm.
Where: Boston Cyberarts Gallery, 141 Green Street, Boston MA 02130, located inside the Green Street MBTA stop on the Orange line

Boston Cyberarts Gallery presents its first exhibition in collaboration with the Boston based COLLISIONcollective. COLLISION18:Present, the eighteenth COLLISIONcollective group show, explores the concept of an eternal present as obtained by the use of looping media, static images, sculpture and installation. Other meanings of the word “present” are suggested: gifts to and from the artist and viewer, presentation and simple presence in a place and time. Curated by COLLISIONcollective members William Tremblay, John Slepian and Bob Kephart, COLLISION18:Present consists of 30 works by artists from the Boston area, and from across the US, France, Spain, Switzerland and Israel.

Artists in the show include Natalie Andrew, Raphael Arar, Liat Berdugo, Nathan Boyer, W. Benjamin Bray, Sarah Buckius, Will Copps, Charles J. Crowell, DataSpaceTime, Juan Escudero, Joseph Farbrook, Chris Fitch, Rob Gonsalves, Dave Gordon, Faith Holland, Mary Anna LaFratta, Georgina Lewis, dan paluska, Lalie Schewadron Pascual, Alexander Reben, Jean-Michel Rolland, Anne Morgan Spalter, Wayne Strattman, Jim Susinno, Brad Tober and Jeffu Warmouth.

COLLISIONcollective (aka Cc) was founded in 2002 as an offshoot of the MIT student art group, ATat (Arts and Technology at tech), whose charter was to host events showcasing art incorporating technology.

For more info, visit http://www.collisioncollective.org/show/collision-18.