The Age of the Screen

The 21st century is becoming the age of the screen.  Surfaces all around us are becoming activated.  With images.  With information.  With video.  With life.  Screens are no longer just a box to set on a table, plug in, and watch. ...

A History of Moving Painting

“Our daily living is now arranged around time-based digital communication. News is updated constantly; we are reading, listening, browsing, watching all the time, trying to sort through images, sounds and videos to amalgamate our reality out of this “ocean of...

New Technology = New Art Forms

Technological advances can spur changes in the course of art mediums, technique, concept, and art markets.    The printing press was the world’s first global information super-highway.  The invention of the Gutenberg Press resulted in the proliferation...

The Objet d’art

Digital information is invisible, confounding the notion of the “objet d’art”.  What is visible is the thing the information is stored on and, more importantly, the artwork as displayed on a screen.  At the time of sale, however, what changes hands is a...

The Screensaver Trap

Moving paintings can be unsuccessful for at least as many reasons as oil paintings and video art can be unsuccessful. There are, however, certain common fallacies and blind alleys in this medium which we’ll cover here.A computer cannot yet distinguish between a strong...