by danhermes | Oct 3, 2009 | Art Reviews, Digital Arts, Moving Paintings, SeePastTech
Principles guide us through the centuries. Through the dark ages when events would have us forget our homelands. Fashion distracts and entertains, but principles steady the tiller. What are the Principles of Art? Hints: They are not render times, nor intersecting...
by danhermes | Oct 3, 2009 | Digital Arts, SeePastTech, Whimsy
What would Monet think of filters? Cezanne and splines? Voillard and the Clone Tool? None of it matters. Why? They are gone. And we are here. They have left us their world, to make it ours.
by danhermes | Oct 3, 2009 | Digital Arts, SeePastTech
Are we graphic designers or artists? What is the difference? What do hex codes want with color? Do pixels know line and gesture? Do polygons understand form? What does our hand know of an optical mouse, or a digital pen? What do our eyes know of backlit cells? Will...