What is Genius?

[“The roots of genius are in the Latin root genio, which translates to creator or begetter. Interestingly, though, the creator was not a person but rather a guardian spirit (daimon) assigned to a person and meant to govern his or her fortunes and protect the family...

Becoming a Renaissance Person: Part I

Many artists have interests in more than one area. We can train our powers of skills acquisition and problem solving on many fields. There is the option to excel in multiple fields and there are examples of how this has worked out well for some. This is called being a...

The Direction of the World

Let’s be honest. Beethoven composed on a home entertainment system that had its heydayover a hundred years ago. Van Gogh worked in a field that was necessary to create likenesses until videoand film made it obsolete. Most people would rather check their social media...

The Objet d’art

Digital information is invisible, confounding the notion of the “objet d’art”.  What is visible is the thing the information is stored on and, more importantly, the artwork as displayed on a screen.  At the time of sale, however, what changes hands is a...

The Screensaver Trap

Moving paintings can be unsuccessful for at least as many reasons as oil paintings and video art can be unsuccessful. There are, however, certain common fallacies and blind alleys in this medium which we’ll cover here.A computer cannot yet distinguish between a strong...